Aircraft Collection
P.O. Box 631, Val-Morin, Qc,
Canada J0T 2R0
Phone: 1 819 322-1957
Cell: 1 514 258-4437
Fax: 1 819 322-3564
Are you an owner of a airport boutik? Our products can be very attractive to your customers and provide you a new source of revenu. Check the requierements for a no risk program.
Aircraft Collection offers the same quality on each collectible model in addition to providing a precise and realistic scale representation. We had developed more than 1000 different aircraft.
Our customized and exclusive product package can easily be part of any promotional campaign or business negotiation. Offer them as a valuable and representative gift.
We had customized our offer to the aviation professionals and enthusiasts with special promotions. We are proud to be considered as a member of your professional network.